
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Shadow as long as the body an idiom

Opinion One Picture a Day | Sadows | If the shadow longger than the body its beleive as bad life style . It make the life be broken because income more less then out come . For example you buy any things for a 1000 IRD and your incame only 500 IDR so you get a - 500 IDR your loan will enhance every day or every month until the end point you cannot pay the loan and you must sell your home or others.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

154 km / hour ...china fast train when traveling from shenzhen to ghuangzhou

Opinion One picture a Day | china fast train | when traveling to ghuangzhou from lou hu shenzen that only spend about 1 hour and 20 minute . with 154 km / hour the time is pass away , untill we arrived at ghuangzhou train station . Clean cabin of this train and smooth when it run make some of our team is get deep in sleep in the train. and wake up when arrived. one that you must know as long as this trips is we never seen a single house but always an appartement. so all of chines people are lift in appartement.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sushi japanese food in the westin hotel shenzhen china , in may 22 , 2014 its different taste..

Opinion one picture a day | sushi from a westin hotel bar | Sushi is a japanese tradisional food that make from a pullent rice , with fresh meat ,  fish and close with a leaf that cutting . it can eat with a green chilli that call as miyagi . it a serve for many choice and many shape . but for indonesia its feel so different and must be test before ..

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Renovations of ciliwung river side...good enought for clean and

Opinion one picture a day | renovation of ciliwung river | This project had been starting for more than one year and this project still in go on. This project may be spend many time but it is usefull for protect the jakarta people whose life in the river side from floating that harm their soul.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sensations of Pallubasa soup from Makasar....

Opinion one picture a day| Pallubasa | a spesific cullinary from south sulawesi or makasar . this food is consist of consist of meat and have sensation in the tongue. to try this cullinary you must go to makasar or visiting the restouran of makasar food in jakarta that call as a daeng tata restaurant . with just 30.000 IDR you can test this food. ate this pallubasa with a cup of rice make it so maknyus..

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tugu Tani or farmer monument indonesia ...a symbol or growth and developed of indonesian agryculture

Opinion one picture surgery | Monumen " tani " | is monument of the indonesian farmer to growth and succesfull for consumption of agryculture indonesian product . its stand up at hight way of menteng region jakarta

Kuningan street monument ....that will seen when pass througt this way .

Opinion one picture a day | A medium size monument that seen in the kuningan street | If we pass a way from many job to the kuningan region like heath ministery , many diplomatic office , and others . we will found this monument . this monuments is make from metal , In the future this place also will be build a MRT jakarta stations. So the way still crowded and also jump in the peak moment like at morning and twilight time..

A Seldom way for promotion and publications as Indonesian president candidate of the Mr gita wiryawan

Opinion one picture a day | a seldom way for promote | Where mr gita had promote as candidate and its party in XXI theatre . Where before star to play a film , in the exstra film and adventorial moment this adv are seen . its hope to know by a people whose hobbies ti saw film in the theatre.

Beautiful design hangging lamp at plafon of a hospital building in jakarta

Opinion one picture a day | Desaign of the plafon lamp | its one of our shoot moment in the jakarta horpital when we are vissiting to this hospital.